So I woke up bright and early this morning and grabbed the NY Times like I normally do. I thought I would read through it a bit and find an article about religion to blog about today, but to my surprise there wasn't anything! At first I found that rather strange, but then I realized that the only time I read about religious news is when it has to do with political unrest (most often in the Middle East, but not always).
In one of my earlier posts I talk about a NY Times article I read--it dealt with the dwindling Christian community in the Middle East and the rise of radical Islam. Looking back at that article (as well as countless others), I see that depressing and negative religious news dominates. That's no surprise, of course, because bad news sells, but that doesn't make it any less awful. Why can't religion be viewed in a positive light?
Scanning through the Times again, I see that anything religious-related is mixed in with politics. Most prominently, the article about Obama's new Supreme court justice pick-Sonia Sotomayor. The issue is that she is pro-choice and many conservatives (especially religious ones), are protesting her nomination. But that's about it for religion...
Now, it might seem strange to expect an article about religion. I mean, besides holy wars and religious oppression, what else is there to talk about? But look at any religious group and there's always something new going on. Unfortunately, we never get to see it (or at least in the nation's most popular newspaper). Now, I know I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill, and normally I would just blow this off as nothing more than a newspaper trying to get the 'best' story out there...so I guess I shouldn't expect the Times to always have an article about religion, and if it does, I shouldn't be surprised if it is nothing short of scandalous.
I guess I shouldn't complain, though. I can always look online and search for articles about religion, and I know there's plenty of smaller papers that carry important stories about religious topics. I don't know, I just expected more from the paper that claims it has "All the News that's Fit to Print."
How about this?
ReplyDeleteMost major news sources are often devoid of anything of a positive nature, unless it involves something adorable like kittens. People enjoy reading about radical isalm because it makes for a new "enemy." It is hard to fight a war if the people seem friendly and not so different. I have always wondered to what extent the government has power over major news sources. Maybe its none, maybe stories are skewed or even created. I don't really know but its something to think about.